The following is a sample schedule for students pursuing a B.S. in Materials Science and Engineering. This information is intended to give students an idea of what their course schedule may look like, but we encourage all students to schedule a meeting with their advisor to discuss specifics. We hope it will serve to guide your discussions with your advisor.

Consult the Schedule of Courses for course descriptions, semester offerings, and any necessary pre-requisites or co-requisites.

First Year - Spring

Course Description Units
21-122 Integration, Differential Equations & Approximation  10
xx-xxx Second introductory engineering course 12
33-142 Physics II for Engineering Students 12
76-101 Interpretation and Argument 9
Total units 43

Second Year - Fall

Course Description Units
27-201 Structure of Materials  9
27-210 Materials Engineering Essentials 6
21-215 Thermodynamics of Materials 12
21-254 Linear Algebra and Vector Calculus for Engineers 11
15-110 or 15-112 Principles of Computing or Fundamentals of Programming and Computer Science 10 or 12
90-105 Modern Chemistry I 10
39-210 Experiential Learning I 0
Total units 58

Second Year - Spring

Course Description Units
27-202 Defects in Materials 9
27-216 Transport in Materials 9
27-217 Phase Relations and Diagrams 12
21-260 Differential Equations 9
xx-xxx Approved Elective I 9
39-220 Experiential Learning II 0
Total units 48

Third Year - Fall

Course Description Units
27-301 Microstructure and Properties I 9
27-xxx MSE Restricted Elective I 9
33-225 or 03-121 or 09-217 Quantum Phys and the Structure of Matter or Modern Biology or Organic Chemistry 9
xx-xxx Approved elective II 9
xx-xxx Unrestricted elective I
239-310 Experiential Learning II 9
Total units 45

Third Year - Spring

Course Description Units
27-305 Introduction to Materials Characterization 6
27-367 Selection and Performance of Materials 6
xx-xxx MSE Restricted Elective II 9
xx-xxx Approved Elective III 9
xx-xxx Unrestricted Elective II 9
36-220 Engineering Statistics and Quality Control 9
Total units 48

Fourth Year - Fall

Course Description Units
27-401 Capstone Design I 6
27-xxx MSE Restricted Elective III 9
27-xxx MSE Restricted Elective IV 9
xx-xxx Approved Elective IV 9
xx-xxx H&SS Elective I 9
xx-xxx Unrestricted Elective 9
Total units 51

Fourth Year - Spring

Course Description Units
27-402 Capstone Design II 6
xx-xxx MSE Approved Elective 9
xx-xxx Unrestricted Elective IV 9
xx-xxx Unrestricted Elective V 9
xx-xxx H&SS Elective II 9
Total units 42